Títulos criativos de livros em inglês

by - domingo, julho 07, 2013

Olá, gente, tudo bem com vocês? Hoje o post falará sobre livros em inglês com títulos que achamos interessantes. As capas também são perfeitas, e deu vontade de ler tudo haha. 

To all the boys I've loved before - Jenny Han

Synopsis: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters…

Gente, olha que capa linda! Amei a fonte de letra usada no título, parece escrita à mão. Sem falar na sinopse, que me deixou com muita vontade de ler o livro. Já li O verão que mudou minha vida, publicado pela Galera Record, e gostei bastante. Espero que eles comprem o direito desse também.

Somebody Up There Hates You - Hollis Seamon

Synopsis: “Chemo, radiation, a zillion surgeries, watching my mom age twenty years in twenty months . .. if that’s part of the Big Dude’s plan, then it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? Enough said.”

Smart-mouthed and funny, sometimes raunchy, Richard Casey is in most ways a typical seventeen-year-old boy. Except Richie has cancer, and he’s spending his final days in a hospice unit. His mother, his doctors, and the hospice staff are determined to keep Richie alive as long as possible. But in this place where people go to die, Richie has plans to make the most of the life he has left.
Sylvie, the only other hospice inmate under sixty, then tells Richie she has a few plans of her own. What begins as camaraderie quickly blossoms into real love, and this star-crossed pair is determined to live on their own terms, in whatever time they have left.
Making her young adult fiction debut, Hollis Seamon creates one of the most original voices to appear in young adult literature, narrating a story that is unflinching, graphic, heartbreaking, funny, and above all life-affirming in its depiction of what it really means to be a teenager dying of cancer.

Mais um livro sick-lit lançado. Dessa vez, é um garoto chamado Richard que tem câncer. Sou muito sentimental em relação a livros assim, o que significa que mal posso esperar pra ler. Vou ver se compro uns livros no Book Depository esse mês. 

The sound of letting go - Stasia Ward Kehoe

Synopsis: For sixteen years, Daisy has been good. A good daughter, helping out with her autistic younger brother uncomplainingly. A good friend, even when her best friend makes her feel like a third wheel. When her parents announce they’re sending her brother to an institution—without consulting her—Daisy’s furious, and decides the best way to be a good sister is to start being bad. She quits jazz band and orchestra, slacks in school, and falls for bad-boy Dave.

But one person won’t let Daisy forget who she used to be: Irish exchange student and brilliant musician Cal. Does she want the bad boy or the prodigy? Should she side with her parents or protect her brother? How do you know when to hold on and when—and how—to let go?

Esse talvez seja o título que eu mais gostei. Para mim, uma das coisas mais difíceis da vida é deixar algo para trás, especialmente se esse algo é importante para nós. E amei o nome da personagem, me lembra da música do The Maine, Daisy haha. E a capa me lembrou muito das novas da Stephanie Perkins. 

If You Find Me - Emily Murdoch

Synopsis: There are some things you can’t leave behind…

A broken-down camper hidden deep in a national forest is the only home fifteen year-old Carey can remember. The trees keep guard over her threadbare existence, with the one bright spot being Carey’s younger sister, Jenessa, who depends on Carey for her very survival. All they have is each other, as their mentally ill mother comes and goes with greater frequency. Until that one fateful day their mother disappears for good, and two strangers arrive. Suddenly, the girls are taken from the woods and thrust into a bright and perplexing new world of high school, clothes and boys.
Now, Carey must face the truth of why her mother abducted her ten years ago, while haunted by a past that won’t let her go… a dark past that hides many a secret, including the reason Jenessa hasn’t spoken a word in over a year. Carey knows she must keep her sister close, and her secrets even closer, or risk watching her new life come crashing down.

Essa sinopse me lembrou um pouco do The Body Finder. Posso estar engana, mas pareceu haha. A capa é bem misteriosa e o título é muito bacana. 

Goodbye for now - Laurie Frankel

Synopsis: When Sam Elling creates an algorithm to pair people with their soul mates online, he meets Meredith, his own perfect match. But when Meredith’s grandmother Livvie dies unexpectedly, Sam puts his algorithm to even better use: it compiles Livvie’s old emails and video chats to create a computer simulation so that Meredith can say goodbye. It’s not supernatural; it’s computer science, and Meredith loves it—too much to keep to herself. Together, she and Sam open RePose to help others who have lost a loved one. Business takes off, but for every person who just wants to say goodbye, there’s someone else who can’t let go. This twenty-first-century love story asks what would happen if saying goodbye were just the beginning, and shows how love can take on a life of its own.

Gente, que frase perfeita é essa do final? Amei! "This twenty-first-century love story asks what would happen if saying goodbye were just the beginning". A capa é bem diferente, bem delicada e fofa. O enredo parece ser daqueles que cativa logo nas primeiras páginas. Já está na minha listinha :DD

Impostor - Susanne Winnacker 

Synopsis: CAN TESSA POSE AS MADISON . . . AND STOP A KILLER BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE? Tessa is a Variant, able to absorb the DNA of anyone she touches and mimic their appearance. Shunned by her family, she’s spent the last two years training with the Forces with Extraordinary Abilities, a secret branch of the FBI. When a serial killer rocks a small town in Oregon, Tessa is given a mission: she must impersonate Madison, a local teen, to find the killer before he strikes again.Tessa hates everything about being an impostor—the stress, the danger, the deceit—but loves playing the role of a normal girl. As Madison, she finds friends, romance, and the kind of loving family she’d do anything to keep. Amid action, suspense, and a ticking clock, this super-human comes to a very human conclusion: even a girl who can look like anyone struggles the most with being herself.

Cara, essa capa é tudo! Deve ter dado um trabalhãao pra fazer. Amei mesmo. E adoro esses livros de thriller adolescente. Quero muito ler. 

Espero que vocês tenham gostado dos títulos e das sinopses dos livros. Tem algum título que vocês amam de paixão? Beijoos!

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5 comentários

  1. Gente! Todos os títulos são maravilhosos! Assim como as capas! Super criativos! Os meus favoritos foram To all the boys I've loved before,If You Find Me e Impostor!
    Com certeza todos estão na minha listinha! (a cada lida no blog só aumenta!)
    Parabéns pelo blog! XOXO

  2. Gostei das capas de "The sound of letting go" e de "Goodbye for now", são lindas; uma pena que eu não sei inglês, então não entendo os títulos nem sinopses :( .

  3. Muito legal a ideia do post! As capas e os títulos são demais! Goodbue for now foi o meu favorito!

  4. Adorei!!! Aproveitando a oportunidade, deixei um selinho pra você lá no meu blog...

  5. Hey! Curti a seleção dos títulos :D


    Raquel Moritz
